H2Operations FlagsH2Operations is a specialized team offering years of experience of underwater services.

The owners are the workers and are passionate about your project. They strive in under-promising and over-delivering. They do whatever it takes to successfully complete each assignment.

“We care very much about our work ethics, safety, affordability and long lasting products.”

Our work is very dangerous. It requires us to be under compressed air, underwater at great lengths, in the extreme frigid cold, use of heavy power equipment..etc… weather ( Mother Nature) plays a GIANT role in when the job will and can be scheduled and done.

Maris-Inc-LogoWe also coordinate work with Maris Inc. when working on Government projects.

  Click here to learn more about Government Contracts.

We need an understanding that mother nature rules supreme…. for this we have and give ourselves a work window to function within and we must have and look for favorable weather conditions. We are professional, love our work and are the best and most affordable over all, we also need to be safe. H2Ops can NOT make any promises…. other then we will do our finest work keeping your best interest a priority.

We proudly use environmentally conscious products.  Feel free to visit Environmental Anchors to learn more.